Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931

GAVU - Great Gallery

6. 4.– 25. 6. 2023

Curated by Marcel Fišer 

The exhibition focuses on two phenomena that intertwined between 1925 and 1931, and its two central figures, closely connected with them, are Otakar Nejedlý (1883–1957) and Josef Hubáček (1899–1931). They met when Nejedlý, in late 1924, became the head of the reopened landscape painting studio at the Prague Academy, where Hubáček transferred to complete his studies. The first phenomenon is the first six plein-air stays of Nejedlý’s studio on the French Riviera and in Corsica (1925 Cagnes-sur-Mer, 1926 Cap d’Antibes, 1928 and 1929 Ajaccio, 1930 Pont de Suve near Toulon, 1931 Cap Ferrat near Nice). The second one is Hubáček’s “discovery” of Corsica when he spent four winters (1926/27–1929/30) in its capital, Ajaccio. There, he enjoyed the visits of Nejedlý alone or with his studio, as well as of his two closest friends, Bedřich Piskač (1898–1929), who died shortly afterward on his way to Corsica, and Jan Slavíček (1900–1970). Nejedlý and Hubáček represent more traditional positions of landscape painting, while Slavíček and Piskač were then going through their neo-Fauvist period. The students included artists who later made a significant impact, and regional landscape painters, sometimes almost forgotten today.

Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Josef Hubáček, Castelluccio, 1928, MG Brno
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -
Under the Winter Sun of the South. Czech Painters in Corsica and on the French Riviera 1925-1931 -


Galerie výtvarného umění v Chebu
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350 02 Cheb

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Program January - March 2024 CZ / EN





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