Patrik Kriššák, Double Side of the Coin

GAVU – Malá galerie

30. 6.–18. 9. 2022

Curated by Tea Záchová

Visual artist Patrik Kriššák (*1986) was born in Slovakia but studied painting at the Faculty of Arts in Ostrava in the studio headed by Daniel Balabán. He has been living in Prague since his 2011 graduation. The evidence of his prominent position on the contemporary scene are many nominations for prestigious prizes (STRABAG Art Award, 2011; Start Point Prize, 2011; Critics’ Award for Young Painting, 2012; Painting of the Year – VÚB Prize, 2019), and his participation in the Zlín Youth Salon (2015). His work freely oscillates between figuration and abstraction of often gestural nature. Since 2014, he has been developing an original painting method using jars on a horizontally laid canvas. His most recent series, Extinction, which he will also present in Cheb, focuses on global climate change, which is already beginning to affect natural ecosystems. The paintings feature corals and underwater landscapes that suffer the most from these changes and are slowly drawing nearer to extinction.

Patrik Kriššák, Double Side of the Coin -
Patrik Kriššák, Double Side of the Coin -
Patrik Kriššák, Double Side of the Coin -
Patrik Kriššák, Double Side of the Coin -
Patrik Kriššák, Double Side of the Coin -
Patrik Kriššák, Double Side of the Coin -
Patrik Kriššák, Double Side of the Coin -
Patrik Kriššák, Double Side of the Coin -
Patrik Kriššák, Double Side of the Coin -
Patrik Kriššák, Double Side of the Coin -
Patrik Kriššák, Double Side of the Coin -
Patrik Kriššák, Double Side of the Coin -
Patrik Kriššák, Double Side of the Coin -
Patrik Kriššák, Double Side of the Coin -


Galerie výtvarného umění v Chebu
příspěvková organizace Karlovarského kraje
náměstí Krále Jiřího z Poděbrad 16
350 02 Cheb

telefon: +420 354 422 450
fax: +420 354 422 163



Program January - March 2024 CZ / EN



Celoroční výstavní program je
podpořen z grantových programů
MK ČR a Města Cheb

Ministerstvo kultury


Město Cheb

© Copyright GAVU Cheb 2015