Jan Šrámek, Veronika Vlková, That?s the Metro, Man!

GAVU - Museum Café

5. 10. 2023 - 7. 4. 2024 

Milada Rezková’s book dedicated to the Prague metro (published in 2019 by Paseka), belongs to the genre ‘educational literature for children’. In a non-violent way, it offers a lot of interesting information, often of an almost encyclopaedic nature. Its hero is a ten-year-old boy who’s introduced to the world of the metro by his grandfather, who has worked there all his life. He could thus take him to places where normal mortals cannot go. Contributing to the book’s extraordinary success are the joint efforts of its illustrators, Veronika Vlková and Jan Šrámek. Vlková made watercolour paintings of the various passages and Šrámek scanned the images, combining them with vector drawings he produced on the computer, resulting in a unified artistic language. These illustrations reflect the impressive visuals of the Prague metro, the aesthetics of its stations and the famous navigation system, which are now icons of Czech design. The creators combined small and large-scale illustrations, supplementing the realistic scenes with comic strips, plans, and technical drawings. In 2020, their work was selected for the Illustrators Exhibition at the prestigious Bologna Children’s Book Fair, a presentation of the most beautiful illustrations worldwide.

Jan Šrámek, Veronika Vlková, That?s the Metro, Man! -
Jan Šrámek, Veronika Vlková, That?s the Metro, Man! -
Jan Šrámek, Veronika Vlková, That?s the Metro, Man! -
Jan Šrámek, Veronika Vlková, That?s the Metro, Man! -
Jan Šrámek, Veronika Vlková, That?s the Metro, Man! -


Galerie výtvarného umění v Chebu
příspěvková organizace Karlovarského kraje
náměstí Krále Jiřího z Poděbrad 16
350 02 Cheb

telefon: +420 354 422 450
fax: +420 354 422 163
e-mail: info@gavu.cz



Program july - september 2024 CZ / EN





Celoroční výstavní program je
podpořen z grantových programů
MK ČR a Města Cheb

Ministerstvo kultury


Město Cheb

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