Filip Dvořák, In a Ravine and Other Stories

Filip Dvořák, In a Ravine and Other Stories

GAVU – Small Gallery

20. 1.– 27. 3. 2022

Curated by Martin Dostál


It is not entirely clear whether it is still possible today to relate to or return to the romantic fate of an artist who carries the emotional and meaningful load of the world. But it is clear that some of this responsibility and desire is in Filip Dvořák – an artist so very fond of tracing the aesthetic and semantic fragments of the past when the word “ornament” used to be a matter of course and painting the Moon and cloudy skies was not a shame. However, this relationship either sports a prescient melancholy or a sigh that senses something has gone wrong. Filip Dvořák (*1990) is the winner of the Essl Award and the Critics’ Award for Young Painting and the graduate from the painting studio at the Prague Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design, headed by Jiří Černický and Marek Meduna. Armed with his unceasing inventiveness, he has stepped into his middle age to continue narrating and constructing stories of art that bring us back to the essence of our existence.

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Filip Dvořák, In a Ravine and Other Stories -
Filip Dvořák, In a Ravine and Other Stories -
Filip Dvořák, In a Ravine and Other Stories -
Filip Dvořák, In a Ravine and Other Stories -
Filip Dvořák, In a Ravine and Other Stories -
Filip Dvořák, In a Ravine and Other Stories -
Filip Dvořák, In a Ravine and Other Stories -
Filip Dvořák, In a Ravine and Other Stories -
Filip Dvořák, In a Ravine and Other Stories -
Filip Dvořák, In a Ravine and Other Stories -
Filip Dvořák, In a Ravine and Other Stories -
Filip Dvořák, In a Ravine and Other Stories -
Filip Dvořák, In a Ravine and Other Stories -
Filip Dvořák, In a Ravine and Other Stories -
Filip Dvořák, In a Ravine and Other Stories -
Filip Dvořák, In a Ravine and Other Stories -
Filip Dvořák, In a Ravine and Other Stories -
Filip Dvořák, In a Ravine and Other Stories -
Filip Dvořák, In a Ravine and Other Stories -
Filip Dvořák, In a Ravine and Other Stories -
Filip Dvořák, In a Ravine and Other Stories -
Filip Dvořák, In a Ravine and Other Stories -
Filip Dvořák, In a Ravine and Other Stories -
Filip Dvořák, In a Ravine and Other Stories -


Galerie výtvarného umění v Chebu
příspěvková organizace Karlovarského kraje
náměstí Krále Jiřího z Poděbrad 16
350 02 Cheb

telefon: +420 354 422 450
fax: +420 354 422 163



Program January - March 2024 CZ / EN



Celoroční výstavní program je
podpořen z grantových programů
MK ČR a Města Cheb

Ministerstvo kultury


Město Cheb

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