Argišt Alaverdyan, Id-Entity

GAVU – Small Gallery

31. 3.–26. 6. 2022

Curated by Marcel Fišer


Argisht Alaverdyan (*1991) was born in Armenia, but has lived in the Czech Republic since he was two years old. In 2017 he graduated from the Prague Academy of Fine Arts, where he passed through several painting studios. In his latest series, Entities, he explores the world that takes place on the monitors and screens of computers, tablets, and mobile phones; the world which is increasingly becoming a substitute for the real world. “Entity” is originally a concept from ontology, a branch of philosophy that pursues how to understand existence in its various forms, i.e. precisely entities. In a similar sense, both terms – ontology and entity – have been transferred into programming theory. In the title of the Cheb exhibition, however, the word “entity” is added to the term “identity.” This pun suggests that Alaverdyan focuses on a single particular theme this time – the representation of the human face. Several interesting moments appear here. In relation to painting, the artist touches upon the classical genre of portraiture, and in relation to digital technologies, he thematizes the various applications that deal with the processing of human faces. 

Argišt Alaverdyan, Id-Entity -
Argišt Alaverdyan, Id-Entity -
Argišt Alaverdyan, Id-Entity -
Argišt Alaverdyan, Id-Entity -
Argišt Alaverdyan, Id-Entity -
Argišt Alaverdyan, Id-Entity -
Argišt Alaverdyan, Id-Entity -
Argišt Alaverdyan, Id-Entity -
Argišt Alaverdyan, Id-Entity -
Argišt Alaverdyan, Id-Entity -
Argišt Alaverdyan, Id-Entity -
Argišt Alaverdyan, Id-Entity -
Argišt Alaverdyan, Id-Entity -
Argišt Alaverdyan, Id-Entity -
Argišt Alaverdyan, Id-Entity -
Argišt Alaverdyan, Id-Entity -
Argišt Alaverdyan, Id-Entity -
Argišt Alaverdyan, Id-Entity -
Argišt Alaverdyan, Id-Entity -
Argišt Alaverdyan, Id-Entity -
Argišt Alaverdyan, Id-Entity -
Argišt Alaverdyan, Id-Entity -
Argišt Alaverdyan, Id-Entity -
Argišt Alaverdyan, Id-Entity -
Argišt Alaverdyan, Id-Entity -
Argišt Alaverdyan, Id-Entity -
Argišt Alaverdyan, Id-Entity -
Argišt Alaverdyan, Id-Entity -
Argišt Alaverdyan, Id-Entity -


Galerie výtvarného umění v Chebu
příspěvková organizace Karlovarského kraje
náměstí Krále Jiřího z Poděbrad 16
350 02 Cheb

telefon: +420 354 422 450
fax: +420 354 422 163



Program july - september 2024 CZ / EN



Celoroční výstavní program je
podpořen z grantových programů
MK ČR a Města Cheb

Ministerstvo kultury


Město Cheb

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